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 Dominik Kobler

From Mountain Lakes to Global Landscapes: A Photographer's Journey of Discovery

Dominik Kobler is a photographer who discovered his passion for capturing nature's beauty in the stunning landscapes of his Swiss homeland. Inspired by his surroundings, he began experimenting with photography, finding a community of like-minded individuals on Instagram. This led to his first professional collaborations and a deeper exploration of his craft.

From Swiss Mountains to Global Landscapes: A Photographer's Journey

I would be happy to tell you more about my background. I grew up in Switzerland, more precisely in the canton of Graubünden. This part of Switzerland is truly unique, characterised by a variety of cultures, breathtaking mountain landscapes and numerous deep blue mountain lakes. Even as a child, I was fascinated by the beauty of nature around me, especially the mountain lakes, which still mesmerise me to this day. This unique environment has not only shaped my love of nature but also my appreciation for cultural diversity and community. Growing up in such a diverse and naturally beautiful place, I learnt to appreciate the little things and understand the importance of sustainable living and respect for our environment.

The Unexpected Spark: My First Steps into Photography

My photographic journey began about 11 years ago, and it was rather an unexpected start. It all started with mobile phone pictures. I just took photos of things around me without thinking too much about it. Then my sister gave me an SLR camera as a present. I was immediately fascinated by the quality and the possibilities this camera offered. Whenever she wasn't using it, I grabbed the camera and started taking pictures of nature on our outings.

This initial curiosity turned into a deep passion when my family recognised my enthusiasm and gave me my own camera for Christmas. That was a turning point for me. With my own camera in hand, I felt freer to explore and experiment with my creativity. I started to go on photo tours specifically to capture the beauty of nature.

The world of Instagram then opened my eyes to a community of like-minded people who shared my passion for photography. I was blown away by the diversity and creativity I found there and started meeting new people and sharing my hobby with them. Every photo trip became a unique experience, and behind every picture was an unforgettable story.

However, the decisive moment that showed me that I wanted to become a photographer came when I started my first collaboration with a watch brand. That was the moment I realised that my passion could be more than just a hobby. It was a confirmation that others saw the value in my work and let it become part of my life. This experience motivated me to further develop my skills and share my vision with the world through photography.

A Defining Moment: My First "Professional" Photo

I remember my first "professional" photo very well if you can call it that ;) and the circumstances under which it was taken. It was in 2018 when I took part in my first Instameet. It was an event where Instagrammers and professional photographers met to exchange ideas and take photos together. Up until that point, I had already developed a passion for photography, but my skills and understanding of the art of photography were still in their infancy.

At this meeting, I had the opportunity to learn from some really talented photographers. They shared their knowledge of techniques, composition, lighting and much more. The special thing about this day was not only the theory but above all the practical application. I was able to stand right next to these professionals, ask them questions and learn in real-time.

The photo I took that day symbolises for me the beginning of my professional photography journey. It wasn't easy to get this picture. Not only because I had to deal with the technical aspects of photography, but also because I had to learn how to really see and interpret a scene. I had to understand how light and shadow affect the mood of an image, how to interact with the environment and how to capture a moment in a way that tells a story.

Taking that first professional photo was a challenge. It required patience, an open eye and a willingness to learn from mistakes. But the experience I gained and the motivation I took away from this Instameet was priceless. It inspired me to make even more of my pictures and to constantly improve.

Behind the Lens: Planning and Discovering the Perfect Shot

Planning my photography tours is a multi-layered process that can vary greatly depending on what I want to achieve. There are many sources of inspiration and they influence my decisions in different ways. Sometimes I discover images by other photographers on Instagram or in photo books that immediately intrigue me and make me want to visit these places myself and capture my own perspective. These inspirations often give me the impetus to plan a trip to capture these special moments.

However, not all my trips are planned so specifically. There are also times when I simply set off to hike or explore the world without a specific destination in mind. I often stumble upon breathtaking places by chance that inspire me. These spontaneous discoveries are sometimes the source of my favourite and most authentic images. The informality and surprise that such chance discoveries bring with them have a special charm.

Another important aspect of my tour planning is collaborations with tourist regions. These offer the unique opportunity to get in touch with locals who can give me insider tips. It is often these lesser-known, hidden places that offer the most marvellous photo opportunities. By working with local people, I gain insights that would otherwise be denied to me as an outsider.

Behind the scenes of my photo trips is a mixture of careful planning, spontaneous decisions and collaborative projects. Finding the best locations for my shoots is an ongoing process that requires research, flexibility and a bit of an adventurous spirit. I always try to be open to new experiences and be guided by the beauty of the world around me. It is important to me to be respectful of the environment and to preserve the places I visit in their natural state so that others can experience their magic too.

Capturing Nature's Majesty: Tips for Stunning Wildlife and Landscape Photography

Several key qualities play a decisive role in capturing breathtaking wildlife and landscape photography. A sense of adventure and spontaneity are just as important as patience and careful planning. Here are some tips I would give based on my experience and these qualities:

Adventurousness: be willing to explore new places and embrace the unknown. Often a willingness to visit remote or lesser-known places leads to unique photo opportunities. The best images often come from places that are off the beaten track.

Spontaneity: Whilst careful planning is important, spontaneity allows you to make the most of unexpected situations. Be open to changing your plans if you discover something more exciting on location. The light might just be perfect or an unexpected fog might roll in, giving the landscape a mystical quality.

Patience: Wildlife and landscape photography often requires you to be in the right place at the right time. Sometimes this means waiting a long time for the perfect light to appear or for animals to enter the scene. Patience is key to capturing the perfect moment.

Experimentation: Dare to experiment with different settings and perspectives, even if you are not sure whether they will work. This includes trying out different apertures, shutter speeds and ISO values, but also experimenting with compositions. Sometimes the most impressive images come from the most unexpected settings.

Careful planning and weather forecasting: The best wildlife and landscape shots often require careful planning, especially in terms of weather and lighting conditions. Use weather apps and websites to plan the best conditions for your photo tour. But also be prepared to move out in bad weather; stormy weather can create dramatic and powerful images.

Respect nature: When photographing in the wilderness, it's crucial to show respect for the environment and the animals that live there. Do not disturb their natural habitats and abide by the rules of the area you are photographing.

Challenges and Rewards: The Trials of a Nature and Travel Photographer

Working as a nature and travel photographer brings with it a number of challenges, both physical and creative. One of the most common challenges is the need to visit some locations multiple times to get the perfect shot. Weather and light conditions play a crucial role in landscape and nature photography, and they can change quickly. Sometimes you don't capture the desired mood or conditions on the first attempt, which means that multiple visits may be required to capture the perfect moment. This persistence and patience are crucial to creating exceptional images.

Additionally, the equipment I carry with me is both my greatest asset and one of my biggest challenges. Being equipped with a drone, two cameras, three lenses, sometimes a tent, enough water, food and a sleeping bag means that I often carry significant weight on my shoulders throughout the day. This can be particularly exhausting on long hikes or in difficult terrain. The physical strain of carrying this equipment is not to be underestimated, and it requires good physical condition and careful planning to ensure you have the necessary equipment with you without straining yourself unnecessarily.

Another challenge is the unpredictability of nature. While the natural world offers incredibly beautiful subjects, it can also be unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. Weather changes, wild animals and difficult terrain conditions can affect both the photographer's safety and the ability to capture certain shots. It takes thorough preparation and a deep understanding of the environment to overcome these challenges.

After all, preserving the natural environment in which we work is of paramount importance. As photographers, we have a responsibility to respect and protect the places we visit. This means that we must constantly reflect on our practices and ensure that we do not disturb or harm nature. Finding the balance between capturing stunning images and respecting the environment is a constant challenge.

Growing as an Artist: Tips for Aspiring Nature and Travel Photographers

For aspiring nature and travel photographers, it is crucial to practice a lot and have patience, as the perfect shot often requires several attempts. Learning from the community, be it through social media, photo groups or workshops, offers valuable insights and promotes personal growth. It is also important to acquire theoretical knowledge, for example through online courses or books, in order to understand the technical aspects of photography. Flexibility and openness to spontaneous discoveries can often lead to unique images. Co-operations, for example with tourism regions or brands, can increase visibility. Through these approaches, photographers can not only improve their skills but also gain recognition in this fascinating field.

A Vision for the Future: Exploring the Beauty of Home

My future aspirations and goals as a photographer are to convey to my followers that it is not always necessary to travel the world to discover fascinating places. My endeavour is to highlight the beauty and diversity of my home country, especially Switzerland. There are so many breathtaking and undiscovered corners in our small country that are often overlooked. Before embarking on big international trips, I want to fully explore my own homeland and inspire my followers to do the same. By focusing on local treasures, I want to build a connection with my community while also highlighting that exploring closer to home can often be just as rewarding as travelling far afield.

To continue following our explorer Dominik’s journey or simply want to reach out and say Hi, you can connect with Dominik on the following accounts:


Instagram: Dominik Kobler from Switzerland 🇨🇭 Nature & Travel photography (@dominik.kobler) • Instagram photos and videos

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